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Four Calliphs
Four CALLiphs


Assalamualaikum wbt and welcome to our blog
We pour our heart and thoughts here. This blog is created for our course subject, ENGL 4740 Computer Applications.



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Reflection 8: Dr. Md Mahmudul Hasan on IOK

Assalamualaikum wbt.

First of all, let us take a deep breath and say Alhamdulillah for all the blessing Allah s.w.t has showered upon us. As for today, we are very lucky to have Dr. Mahmudul Hasan, one of the best lecturers in IIUM to give a piece of his knowledge and idea pertaining Islamization of Knowledge in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). At first, it is quite blurry for us on how to look on CMC in terms of Islamic perspective, but after having a discussion on it, we finally understand it.

According to him, Islamization and knowledge must have the combination of two kinds of reading which are revelation by Quran & Sunnah and real existential. By combining this reading, we can relate and apply knowledge of Quran & Sunnah with our daily life. For example, as BENL students, our major discussion mainly related to Western culture and everything associate with it. Instead of solely focuses on its culture, we should take this opportunity to Islamize it.

Since we live in Era of Technology, we should contribute something towards IOK via technology. Thus, we think that social media is one of the most significant medium to spread da’wah globally. So back to the question, do we as a student have contributed towards IOK via technology? Our answer is YES! 

In our previous semester, assisted by Dr. Mahmudul Hasan in Islamic Literature, he instructed his students to post one of the assignment on our social media account, Facebook. As all know, Dr. Mahmudul loves to relate all of his assessment with Islamic perspectives and by posting it in social media, all people can benefit from that information and knowledge.

Not just that, we also learnt from Dr. Mahmudul Hasan's courage in posting Hadith on email regularly, in order to instill knowledge of Islam towards his students. So, sometimes, we do copy his post and paste it at our social media.